Back Once Again

It's another cover draft for my current opus, All Star. This one is taking into account some of the feedback I got on the last draft and also attempting to include a little more information about what the book is about (cause it isn't only about baseball). As always, all feedback and comments are welcome, cause, you know, I want the cover to be as awesome as can be, and I can't do that by myself (obviously).


Patrick Houle said…
This is my favorite of the covers you have proposed. I especially like the scenes you have chosen for the "diamond" in the background.
Roho said…
Looks good, I think you are in the right path, the background is a little busy, maybe just keeping the lines and a plain color (light blue?) or white will make the player pop up more and not get lost, I think the white border doesn't work you should go back to all yellow, there might be some tangent problems with the mouth and the curve, you can just nudge slightly. Everything else it's great.
Edfredned said…
I love the look of the cover. Nice drawing(s). You mentioned that you added elements to this new iteration to show that there's more going on in the book than just baseball- is there any chance you can put in a sub-title? I'm a firm believer in making use of a second line to give an extra level of intrigue.
Erich fletschinger said…
definitely the best.
i think you need a little more pop in your guy there. what about: make the diamond big enough to fit the guy in it and then put the background illustrations where the yellow is now? just a thought.
Anonymous said…
i like this design the best, but the color of the first one - looks great!
Jesse Lonergan said…
Thanks for the feedback, guys! I'm still a little frustrated with this cover because it hasn't taken on the solidly awesome oh-damn-what-is-this-book-I-gotta-buy-it quality that I would like to achieve, but I'll keep at it.