
Some heads coming out of some drawing sessions this last weekend. I'm getting all into my superheroes, and getting ready for the Boston Comic Con on Saturday!

This last guy is Diamondhead from some super-awesome 1970s Nova comics. You know back when they really cared about the dialogue:


Chris Watkins said…
Hi, Jesse -- Wanted to drop a line to say I enjoyed meeting you and Mo at the show on Saturday. Glad your artwork caught my eye from across the way; I've really enjoyed the copy of All star I picked up, and thanks again for the bonus book :) I also grabbed a copy of In A Single Bound from Dan Mazur, not realizing you'd done the cover until later. Great! Hope you enjoyed the rest of the show.

- Chris Watkins
- odoripark.com
Jesse Lonergan said…
Thanks, Chris! It was a pretty good show for me. Thanks for dropping off the card. I've been checking out Odori Park. You've got some great line work, and that is an impressive archive you've got.
Chris Watkins said…
That means a lot--thanks!