Take a Once Over
At this very moment I find myself engaged in negotiations regarding the contract for my next book, All Star, with NBM, the publisher who published my first two graphic novels. Talk of money and rights are of very little allure to me despite the consequence both money and rights naturally have. Cover illustrations, on the other hand, are much more exciting. Is it procrastination to delay responding to an email regarding the details of a contract to work on a cover for the book with which the contract is concerned? Perhaps.
In any of event, here is a draft version of the cover of the book. If anybody were to offer any comments, criticism, or suggestions, it would make me most happy.
I agree that your name should be in a different font, although I like the look of "All Star."
The points where the diamond meets the character are creating some distracting tangents; I think it would suit the composition better if the diamond shifted up, showing more sky/dugout and less ground. Or maybe if the baseball-diamond-reference included the outfield, with a semicircle at the top? (http://www.profilebrand.com/imgs/layouts/40sports-baseball-mlb/928/928_L-animated-baseball-field.jpg)
On the subject of tangents, watch out for where the fingers of his left hand meet his torso!
Love the scene happening within the diamond, and the character looks great!